The first of March. The first of any month holds so many possibilities. A chance to have another go at that list of resolutions. Make more resolutions. Try a new things. Cook and craft more. Work..umm…more or less, depending upon what you want right now from your life. Exercise a LOT more. Loose a few pounds and maybe, fit into that pair of corduroys that’s still new.
I hope this month, I’ll blog more. Paint, sew and craft. Read. And study more.
Well, since I mentioned posting more on Cookie Jar, let me tell you about a blog I enjoy reading. It’s called Cotton Strudel, and it’s written by, umm, Cotton Strudel – a crafter, web developer, English teacher, wife and new mum. Its one interesting blog for all those out there who like to cook, craft and know how to savour every moment of this life. I like to cruise over to her online sketchbook and scrapbook, to see what she’s up to these days. Reading her posts is like catching up with a friend who shares the same interests. Mine being crafting, cooking and sewing.
Cotton Strudel's creation - a little girl giraffe names Aurora
Image: Cotton Strudel